Many of the ingredients in serums, creams, moisturizers and facial cleansers offer skincare benefits. But, on the other hand, mixing certain products – especially with chemical ingredients – could have harmful consequences for your prper skincare. So here are the skincare substances never to combine – and those you can connect.
Do Not Mix: Retinol And Alpha-Hydroxy Acids
Retinol is a miraculous anti-ageing topical, and alpha-hydroxy acids are praised for softening wrinkles and fine lines. Because they achieve similar goals of accelerating the renewal of skin cells, it seems logical to combine them.
However, as Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical dermatology research at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, points out, these products can also trigger potentially irritating side effects, especially when combined. “They’re both the skin individually, so they cause even more damage when used together.”
Mix: Retinol and Hyaluronic Acid
Most dermatologists are willing to tout the endless benefits of retinol, which is essentially a form of vitamin A and almost all will warn you of its drying side effects. “Retinol is known to cause skin irritation, especially when a proper moisturizing diet is not put in place,” warns Dr Zeichner.
That’s why a moisturizing agent, such as hyaluronic acid, can be helpful. “Retinol is an incredible tool for speeding up skin cell renewal and boosting collagen. While hyaluronic acid helps keep skin hydrated by giving it a more radiant complexion,” says Arielle Panarello, a medical beautician. “This allows you to counteract some of the dryness while allowing retinol to penetrate the outer layer of the skin.”
Do Not Mix: Retinol and Benzoyl Peroxide
Regardless of skin type, a combo to avoid is retinol combined with benzoyl peroxide. The latter is a standard acne treatment that is strong enough for skincare on its own. However, Panarello believes that when the two are mixed, most people will have dry, flaky and flaky skin. In addition, some research advises that benzoyl peroxide cancels out the effects of retinol, which removes any interest in using these products.
Mix: Vitamin C and Vitamin E
There are a few decent reasons why these nutrients. Fight the immune system and rejuvenate the skin – work together for your complexion. “Vitamin C fights free radical damage. And vitamin E is excellent for boosting hydration. These vitamins, consumed with the powerful antioxidant ferulic acid, are a winning combination!” says Panarello.
Do Not Mix: Vitamin C and Alpha-Hydroxy Acids
“Vitamin C is a very capricious ingredient that requires an acidic pH to stay stable and can easily be inactivated,” says Dr Zeichner. He recommends not applying any vitamin with retinol, alpha-hydroxy acids, or beta-hydroxy acids. As the formulas probably won’t work well together.
Mix: All Alpha-Hydroxy Acids
‘Low concentrations of several alphas or even beta-hydroxy acids can be combined to offer better exfoliation,’ says Dr Zeichner. “Glycolic acid and lactic acid are usually combined with other acids like salicylic or malic acid for improved exfoliation (especially on the face!).”
In summary, most acids, including some alpha-hydroxy acids and beta-hydroxy acids, are good combinations and work well together to treat uneven pigments, dullness, and acne. “By combining these, you reap antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits,” Panarello adds.
Do Not Mix: Retin-A and Exfoliations (Or Waxing)
The skin care products you apply in the morning and evening may seem separate from your hair removal sessions, but experts say they influence each other. For example, Retin-A and its weaker forms, such as retinol, are problematic if used with exfoliations or waxing procedures.
Dermatologist Joel Schlessinger always recommends that his patients avoid this care one day before and two days after exfoliation or hair removal. When the skin may be irritated.
“If waxing is done while using Retin-A (tretinoin), very often small tears on the skin (especially on the eyelids) can occur,” he says. “The same can happen with exfoliations, such as glycolic exfoliations.”
Mix: Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid
Benzoyl peroxide is a topical remedy for rashes and blemishes, while salicylic acid has been hailed as a cleanser, exfoliant, and pore reducer. Together, the two fixings excel when ending your acne problems. Dr Zeichner suggests using a facial cleanser that incorporates both elements.
In addition, Accutane, a concentrated form of vitamin A (a drug related to Retin-A), can be particularly likely to cause burns or allergic reactions if the patient is exposed to the sun during treatment, says Dr Schlessinger. While sunscreens can help. The damage is often subtle at the time of exposure and worsens over time, so caution remains the best ally.
Don’ts: Combine Too Many Products
Patients can suffer from skin synergy by using certain products simultaneously. Tyler Hollmig, director of laser and aesthetic dermatology at Stanford Health Care.
“Typically, the key to success is selecting products that act through different mechanisms to achieve a similar goal, for example, by using a topical antibiotic to reduce inflammation and kill acne-related bacteria while using a retinoid to exfoliate the skin and mature sweat glands for your proper skincare.”
From a purely cosmetic point of view, he suggests using a night moisturizer in combination with a retinoid (tretinoin, adapalene, tazarotene, etc.). Or an azelaic acid product to keep your skin healthy and smooth while simultaneously reducing the risk of skin irritation.
Skincare: 5 Ingredients to Never Mix