
Imposter syndrome also creates a significant impact on physical health. If your reaction when reading these lines is, “But that’s all me!”, know that imposter syndrome strikes indiscriminately.

Have you ever wondered how you got your current job or ended up with such an amazing family? Have you ever imagined we would stop loving you if we found out who you were? Are you afraid of being “exposed” to yourself, even if you have never hidden anything?

Although not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is the gold standard for diagnosing psychiatric illnesses, this syndrome is described by experts as a profound disorder of insecurity that can harm the careers, privacy and relationships of those affected. They may feel unworthy of good things and constantly fear being “discovered” and losing everything.

This fear can lead to chronic disorders, such as depression or anxiety. In addition, concern about imposter syndrome can force the person to overcompensate or develop obsessive-compulsive behaviours.

Your Worst Enemy – Imposter Syndrom

An imposter syndrome is a form of self-sabotage, psychiatrist. And here’s what to do if you suffer from self-sabotage. It can turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Not believing that we deserve what we have can cause immense worry about losing it, which, in turn, can hurt the achievement of our goals and the way we operate.

It can, for example, make you refuse a promising promotion or an outing with a potential lover because you do not feel up to it.

It is a sneaky syndrome that can start as a slight doubt about oneself and turn into obsessive thoughts and painful feelings.
“People need to know more about imposter syndrome to spot the symptoms and develop strategies to manage their emotions and mitigate its impact.

The Most Targeted People – Imposter Syndrome

Anyone can develop imposter syndrome. However, it seems more prevalent among people focused on success, says Sanam Hafeez. If we add social pressure, which glorifies the results and often confuses them with the value of the individual, we get a perfect mix for imposter syndrome.
“Children pushed toward success without being congratulated and raised in denial of compliments often retain these feelings into adulthood. In addition, people who are part of groups that are victims of increased societal pressure, micro-aggressions at work or deep self-doubt are also at risk. They can include the LGBTQ community, women, and people of colour.

“Factors such as stereotypes, discrimination and oppression increase the phenomenon of imposter syndrome in these individuals,” says Sanam Hafeez. An upheaval such as a divorce or a career change also makes it vulnerable to the loss of self-esteem it causes, says Andrea Marsden. At the same time, these signs prove that you are ready for a career change.

Signs of the Impostor’s Symptom

The first symptom of this syndrome is the impression of being a fraudster or an impostor in his career, couple or life. But you might not realize that you have that feeling.

The following questions, written by our experts, help to identify better and name the feelings felt:

  • Do you think you don’t deserve success or happiness?
  • Do you have trouble accepting compliments?
  • Does receiving an award or public praise terrify or upset you?
  • Do you constantly question your skills and abilities?
  • Are you very susceptible to criticism?
  • Do you have low self-esteem or low self-confidence?
  • Do you meditate on negative thoughts about yourself, your relationships, your job, or your existence?
  • Are your expectations of yourself too high?
  • Do you worry that people would stop loving you if they knew you?
  • Have you ever expressed anger to someone who was trying to compliment you?
  • Do you have a habit of rejecting compliments?
  • Do you give more credit to others for collective successes?

We can all have doubts about ourselves occasionally, but if you answered yes to most of the questions and they torment you very often, it could be imposter syndrome, warns Sanam Hafeez.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

These thought patterns may seem grounded, but you can short-circuit them and stop the cycle before it sinks. It will help you stop feeling guilty all the time. Here are some steps towards healing:

Consult A Professional – Imposter Syndrome

Overcoming imposter syndrome by simply getting rid of negative thoughts would be easy. But they can be deeply ingrained since childhood. Discussing this with a psychologist or mental health professional is a constructive first step toward identifying the sources of thought patterns and how to reorient them.

Set Realistic Goals

Perfectionists aim very high, risking frustration and doubts about themselves. Instead, set realistic goals that meet your true abilities.

Eliminating Toxic People

Imposter syndrome may be in your mind, but the people around you can trigger or make it worse by criticizing or belittling you. You won’t be able to heal if you don’t get out of an environment that includes toxic people, says Sanam Hafeez. So, for your well-being, learn how to end unhealthy relationships.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

People who suffer from this syndrome often fall into the trap of comparing their weaknesses to the strengths of others, which can increase their sense of imposture.

“Comparisons are counterproductive. Instead of scrutinizing others, assume your success and accept that it didn’t happen to you by chance.” Adopting these gestures will allow you to increase your self-confidence!